MBC Dream


ur long time client, MBC Group, after 9 successful years in the air, came to us with a service optimization challenge. We had to mitigate more than 40 different connections, revamp the existing communication strategy, extend the subscriber base and to incentivize inactive subscribers to reactivate.

We answered by providing solid technical operation and strategic commercial decisions, leveraging our strong presence and experience in the market to increase performance in order to maximize brand awareness, participation and boost user engagement through delicate handling & optimization of the user experience.

Through our platform Blaise we were able to handle game traffic, reporting requirements, constantly add new gamification elements and ensure maximum service technical stability.

Mena-Wide Coverage

Currently supporting connections in 15 countries, with 15+ service providers and 40+ telecommunication companies, offering multiple mediums of participation.

User Experience

Engaging flow available in 3 different languages, tailored with personalization and gamification elements, with targeted communication to optimize user experience, operating in 4 different time zones.


Complementing the pre-existing subscription service, participants can gather additional chances by answering questions correctly on the web app.

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